The Alexander Technique

A proven approach to self care, the Alexander Technique is a method that people of all ages and abilities can learn to relieve the pain and stress caused by everyday misuse of the body.

With the Alexander Technique, you learn

This video that explain how the postural process that causes problems as we change over time.

Bone Deep Strength - Kathleen Porter
Discover how our movement patterns are unconscious

Structural collapse is one reason children today are facing a serious health crisis. Parents and teachers can learn how to help their children and students discover the support of aligned bones for relaxed, comfortable and solidly upright sitting.


Prevention is always easier than the cure.

Clinical trial results published in the British Medical Journal - Alexander technique: part 1 - The BMJ

How does the Alexander Technique work? What are the authors findings about the clinical and cost effectiveness of the treatment? Watch this video to find out. Part 1 of 2.


The second part shows the cost benefit the Alexander Technique offers and how it is regarded by British health insurance.

Clinical trial results published in the British Medical Journal - Alexander technique: part 2 - The BMJ

How does the Alexander Technique work? What are the authors findings about the clinical and cost effectiveness of the treatment? Watch this video to find out. Part 2 of 2.


Master Acting Class applying The Alexander Technique in performances. Betsy Polatin

Alexander Technique 4: Thesis Application - Betsy Polatin, Master Lecturer at School of Drama

Boston University. College of Fine Arts School of Theatre master lecturer Betsy Polatin teachers Benjamin Stanton (CFA'14) and students the Alexander Technique.
